HSC staff car parking to resume normal service | Newry Times | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

HSC staff car parking to resume normal service | Newry Times

Health Minister Robin Swann is extending free car parking for HSC staff until 31 August after which time normal charging will resume.


Daisy Hill Hospital parking - HSC staff car parking to resume normal service - Newry Times - newry newspaper


The Minister said, “Free car parking for HSC staff was introduced in March 2020 at a time when Northern Ireland was feeling the first impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. 



“As we move into the recovery phase and focus on rebuilding, the HSC car parking is required once again by returning patients and visitors. 

“Car parking is at a premium on several hospital sites across Northern Ireland, causing accessibility issues for patients and visitors.


Buttercrane Shopping Centre, Newry - Newry Times newspaper


“This is impacting on patient appointments and visiting sessions because of the lengthy queues forming to gain access to our hospitals.

“It will therefore be necessary to return to the normal charging regime to preserve parking spaces for patients,” he continued.

Free parking was introduced in March 2020 and was extended up to 31 July 21.


Local Government Boundaries Review Northern Ireland - Provisional Recommendations


The Minister added, “I want to reiterate my sincere gratitude to all HSC staff for their work during this pandemic. 

“Whilst it is not over yet, we are now in a different place than this time last year. 

“I hope we can continue taking small steps back to full normality.”



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Posted by on Jul 30 2021. Filed under Community, Coronavirus, News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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