Minister Muir announces £3.5million Fisheries Grants support | Newry News | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Minister Muir announces £3.5million Fisheries Grants support | Newry News

Andrew Muir, Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, has announced that the Marine Environment and Fisheries Fund for Northern Ireland stakeholders is now open for applications.


Minister Muir announces £3.5million Fisheries Grants support | Newry News - latest news newry


The Fund provides £3.5million in financial support for fishing, aquaculture, and marine stakeholders and is available until 31 March 2025.

£2.5million of the new funding package is designed to deliver benefits to fishermen, processing and aquaculture businesses, port authorities, inland fishers and stakeholders with environmental interests and includes £0.5million for applications that positively impact on green-growth, decarbonisation of the fisheries sectors and, ultimately progression towards net-zero.

The remaining £ 1.0 million of financial assistance is geared towards supporting proposals that focus on the preservation and restoration of Blue Carbon within Northern Ireland’s territorial waters.

In launching the Fund, Minister Muir says, “I am pleased to announce the opening of the £3.5million Marine Environment and Fisheries Fund for Northern Ireland stakeholders with immediate effect.

“As the funding has been secured on a “one-year settlement” basis only, I would encourage stakeholders to engage with my department promptly in order that applications can be submitted as soon as possible as this funding must be utilised by 31 March 2025.




“In terms of what type of projects can be assisted through the initiative, the support is broadly consistent to the support offered through recent European and national fisheries funding programmes and includes opportunities for investment within fish processing and aquaculture operations.

“The programme will also encourage investment in safer fishing initiatives and operations and other investments on board fishing vessels focusing on adding value and reducing operational costs.

“Applications relating to innovative projects and processes, marketing initiatives and research, more selective fishing gear and practices, and commercial fishing port infrastructure are also encouraged.

The Minister continues, “My Department will be delivering this Scheme in tandem with the development of a longer-term strategy for future fisheries support, which, subject to funding availability, will be reflective of the current focus and concerns on sustainability, green growth, the blue economy and economic resilience.



“I am glad that we are able to provide this support in these challenging times, and my department will be happy to offer help, signposting and guidance to potential applicants.”

Further information on the scheme, including guidance notes and how to apply, is available on the DAERA website or by contacting DAERA Fisheries Grants Unit at:

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