Take your opportunity to help shape the future of housing supply | Newry Times
Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey has launched a Call for Evidence to help inform a new strategy to increase the supply of housing across all tenures.
The supply of housing across all tenures needs to increase to meet the demands of our changing population and is central to reducing housing stress, homelessness and improving housing solutions for the most vulnerable.
Responsibility in delivering more housing rests with many and, therefore, the solutions are something we must design and tackle together.
Minister Hargey said, “The Call for Evidence that I am launching today, is critical in the development of a new Housing Supply Strategy.
“The Strategy is a part of my ambitious and radical shake-up of housing, the largest transformation of our housing system in over 50 years.
“I am committed to building more homes, where they are needed.
“Access to a safe and secure home is a basic human right.
“This strategy will ensure that housing supply is about more than bricks and mortar.
“It will make sure homes are safe, good quality and affordable.
“Crucially, I am putting people and placemaking at the centre of supply, with a focus on delivering on objective need, underpinned by fairness and equality.”
The Call for Evidence document considers housing as a ‘whole system’ and looks at the issues impacting supply including demographics, policy, economics/finance, social preferences as well as finance, provision of land, planning regulations, innovation and skills.
The solutions to the deep-rooted challenges faced in housing supply require all across government to work together in new ways.
The Minister continued, “The evidence we receive through this process will be vital in helping to bring forward a comprehensive strategy.
“We will co-design this strategy to include local and community expertise – and with people in mind. Your participation is critical.
“Therefore I encourage everyone to take the opportunity to shape the future of housing supply.”
This Call for Evidence consultation period will run from today until 16 July 2021.
A further public consultation will take place on the draft Strategy later in the year.
Details of the consultation documents and online survey can be found online.
A series of online workshops will also run throughout the duration of the consultation.
Details of how to register can be found here.
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