Further £150,000 for Business Improvement Districts announced | Newry Times | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Further £150,000 for Business Improvement Districts announced | Newry Times

Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey has confirmed that she is allocating an additional £150,000 to Business Improvement Districts (BIDS) to assist them with their operational costs.


Communities Minister announces further £150,000 for Business Improvement Districts - Newry Times - Newry BIDs


This latest announcement brings the total additional investment in BIDs throughout the pandemic to £450,000.



BIDs are developed, managed and paid for by the business sector. 

They bring local businesses and other stakeholders together with the aim of regenerating their areas and improving their local trading environment. 

Minister Hargey said, “These local partnerships continue to support local businesses, and will play a key role in the renewal and regeneration of our town and city centres as they recover from the impact of the pandemic. 


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“The ongoing lockdown restrictions have impacted heavily on the collection of levies. 

“This additional funding will help ensure that BIDs can continue to play a key role in bringing local businesses and other stakeholders together to help regenerate their areas.”

Currently, there are eight BIDs operating here, with three across Belfast City Centre (Belfast One, Cathedral Quarter and Linen Quarter).



Others are located in Ballymena, Coleraine, Enniskillen, Newry and Strabane.

The funding will help with the operational costs of each BID up to the end of March 2021.




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Posted by on Feb 2 2021. Filed under Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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