Newry school girl helps Translink launch short film
As thousands of school children return to classrooms across Northern Ireland, Translink has launched a short film to empower young people to stay safe on their daily journeys and prepare for the new school routine.
Entitled ‘Let’s Go Safely Back to School’, the film features young people from across Northern Ireland.
The film was created in partnership with the Education Authority (EA) and Translink Youth Forum.
It forms part of Translink’s schools’ communication and engagement campaign as they welcome pupils back to education in the ‘new normal’.
Translink has announced a wide range of measures to safeguard pupils.
This includes operating extra school services and more “school only” services, to provide increased capacity as required; and where possible, working with schools to arrange pick-ups at schools to reduce the volume of pupils at bus stations.
Measures also include providingTranslink staff with appropriate PPE that helps to keep them and pupils, as safe as possible; extra staff in stations where required, to assist with travel connections and social distancing; and enhanced vehicle deep cleaning and sanitisation – using long-lasting anti-viral disinfectant products.
Translink also said they will have mobile cleaning teams travelling onboard sanitising common touch areas and key seats cordoned off on dedicated school buses; as well as hand sanitiser units available at all stations.
There are also protective screens in stations and on the bus drivers cab.
The informative film is available to watch on the Newry Times Facebook page.
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Translink is calling on everyone to practice wider safety and travel advice including:
Good hand hygiene – consider carrying your own hand sanitiser;
Using pre-paid / contactless payments where pupils are not entitled to a free travel pass;
Travel off-peak where schools can facilitate this and leave extra time for your journey;
Family groups should sit together or sit with members of your school class, where possible;
Avoid consuming food and drink on public transport, where possible;
Consider walking and cycling options if appropriate;
Do not travel if you are experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19 or your household has been advised to isolate.
Wait for passengers to get off first before you board and if you need to queue, please remember to keep your distance.
Please behave responsibly when travelling, misbehaviour can endanger others as well as yourself and will be reported to your school and Education Authority.
Use of Face Coverings
Pupils over 13 will be required to wear a face-covering if travelling on scheduled public transport services and in bus and train stations unless you are exempt.
Translink also strongly encourages wearing a face covering if travelling on dedicated school bus services.
Wearing a face covering is for everyone’s protection as it helps everyone to travel safely together.
Visit to find out more about Translink’s Back to School transport plans.
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