Coronavirus Northern Ireland: £10,000 small business grant scheme now open
Small businesses that occupy a rental property are now able to apply for the £10,000 Small Business Support Grant Scheme, Economy Minister Diane Dodds has confirmed.
A new online form for businesses occupying rental properties is now live on the nibusinessinfo website.
Highlighting this positive development, the Minister told Newry Times, “I am pleased to confirm that small businesses that occupy a rental property can now apply for the £10,000 grant scheme.
“I have taken this step so that the small business that occupies a rental property, and not the landlord or managing agent who is responsible for paying the rates, will benefit.”
To date 18,508 payments have been issued to companies under the scheme.
The Minister also confirmed that the first payments had been made under the £25,000 grant scheme for businesses in the retail, hospitality, tourism and leisure sectors.
She continued, “Last Monday applications opened for the scheme to assist businesses in these beleaguered sectors.
“We are issuing payments to successful applicants as soon as officials have verified their applications.
“The first run of payments issued last Friday and we have so far issued 263 payments, which take up to three banking days to appear in accounts.
“Work is also ongoing to set up a similar application process for businesses in these sectors that occupy rental properties.”
The Minister added, “Both the £10,000 and £25,000 grant schemes must close on 20 May 2020.
“I continue to urge anyone who thinks their business is eligible for support under these schemes to submit their applications before that deadline.”
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