Coronavirus Northern Ireland: ‘No prescription medicine shortages’
The Chief Pharmaceutical Officer Cathy Harrison has said that people should not order extra supplies from their doctor or stockpile medication.
“Covid-19 is presenting increasing challenges for the dedicated staff working in our community pharmacies,” Chief Pharmaceutical Officer Cathy Harrison told Newry Times.
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“The Department is working to ensure that everyone continues to have access to their local community pharmacy.
“It is vital at this busy time that we are mindful of the pressure that community pharmacy staff are under.
“There is no need for you to do anything new or different when ordering or taking your medicines,” she insisted.
“People should order prescriptions and take their medicines as normal.
“Extra supplies should not be ordered from your doctor.
“Stockpiling or purchasing medication that you do not need is completely unnecessary and could disadvantage other patients.
“There are no prescription medicine shortages as a result of Covid-19,” Cathy added.
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