SDLP “unequivocally supports” 15-Acre Albert Basin Park | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

SDLP “unequivocally supports” 15-Acre Albert Basin Park

SDLP Newry and Armagh Westminster Candidate Pete Byrne has said that his party is fully behind proposals for a 15 Acre Albert Basin Park in Newry.

Speaking to Newry Times, Byrne said, “I am keen to assure the people of Newry and those behind the campaign for a 15 Acre Albert Basin Park that we are 100% committed to its delivery.

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“When we say 15 acres, we mean 15 acres and under no circumstance will we allow any part of the Albert Basin site to be sold off to private developers.



“It will not happen on our watch. In 2017, Newry, Mourne and Down District Council made the historic decision to back the people of Newry and their desire to see a 15-acre park on the Albert Basin site and we remain committed to that decision,” he insisted.

“Newry is an urban area which is in dire need of greenspaces and this has been clearly detrimental to the public who are missing out on the recreational and health benefits that a City Park would bring.

“The grassroots campaign that caught the public’s imagination two years ago is still thriving and is rightfully demanding that we deliver the desires of the people in a more rapid way.



“We recognise that this process is slow and we are as frustrated as the community activists who are driving this,” Byrne continued.

“In last year’s rates process, the SDLP secured a budget which allowed the ground studies and a contamination report to be carried out which enabled us to move to the next phase.

“We are currently in the middle of the rates process for 2019/20 and we are eager to see that further progress is properly resourced for the next 12 months.



“Through the Albert Basin Task & Finish Working Group, we are currently in the process of finalising the terms of reference.

“It is key that, through the working group, we map out the vision for progress over the next 12 months to ensure capital is included in this month’s rates process.

He added, “The will is there across all political groupings for this to be realised and we must work together to see real change on the site in the year ahead.”



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Posted by on Dec 4 2019. Filed under Community, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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