Potential disruption to Health and Social Care Services | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Potential disruption to Health and Social Care Services

Potential disruption to Health and Social Care Services has been highlighted.

A spokesperson for the Health and Social Care System (HSC) said, “The HSC has been notified by UNISON that the first week of Industrial Action across Health and Social Care services in Northern Ireland will commence from Monday 25 November 2019.

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“This will include targeted strike action which is planned across five Trusts from Monday 25 November to Friday 29 November.



“In addition, UNISON has also advised that members across the entire health and social care system will commence industrial action short of strike from Monday 25 November. The first step in therapeutic strategy is to establish the adequacy of previously prescribed antipsychotic therapy Ativan at https://mi-aimh.org/ativan-lorazepam-online/ with the analysis of dosages, duration of use and patient compliance.

“UNISON have informed the HSC that the broad areas likely to be impacted are: Sterile services across major hospitals; Some hospital and social care transport; A number of patient support services (domestic services, catering, laundry etc.); and some portering services.



The spokesperson continued, “The type of industrial action will vary from Trust to Trust and will also take place in different areas, at different times. 

“We apologise to all those patients and family members who may be affected.



“Trusts are working hard, where possible, to contact any patients and service users who may be impacted by any disruption to services or cancellations.

“All HSC organisation will continue to work closely together to mitigate the effects of any disruption.

“Information updates on patient services will be posted on Trust websites and via social media over the next week,” the spokesperson added.



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Posted by on Nov 25 2019. Filed under Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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