Carlingford Lough Greenway Completion ‘will increase Cross Border Cohesion’ – Brady | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Carlingford Lough Greenway Completion ‘will increase Cross Border Cohesion’ – Brady

Newry and Armagh Westminster Election candidate for Sinn Féin Mickey Brady has said that the completion of the Greenway would mean that people could walk, run or cycle the more than 30 miles from Portadown to Carlingford almost completely off-road.

Brady was commenting after attending the recent Carlingford Lough Greenway Consultation Event.

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He told Newry Times, “The Carlingford Lough Greenway, when completed, will link with the previously completed Portadown – Newry element resulting in a total length of scenic, safe and attractive cross-border greenway measuring approximately 52km.



“The greenway joins Newry City to Carlingford and it will form the northern section of a proposed greenway link from Belfast to Dublin, often referred to as the Great Eastern Greenway.”



Brady added, “This project will not only meet local and regional strategies in terms of healthy and active living but it will also increase cross border commuting by cycling or walking, ultimately improving cross-border social cohesion.

“It will also reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.”



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Posted by on Nov 13 2019. Filed under Community, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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