Public urged to save lives by talking about organ donation | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Public urged to save lives by talking about organ donation

The Public Health Agency (PHA) is calling on people to get talking about organ donation and share their donation decision with their loved ones.

The ‘Words save lives’ campaign highlights the need to tell your family you want to save lives through organ donation.



More and more people are supporting organ donation, but there is still an urgent shortage.

“People are dying every day in Northern Ireland because some families are not talking about donation. Recent statistics here reveal that 14 people died last year waiting for an organ,” said Dr Catherine Coyle, PHA Lead for Organ Donation.

“There are approximately 150 people currently on the transplant waiting list in Northern Ireland.

“It is encouraging that current statistics show 43% of the Northern Ireland population (approximately 818,000 people) have signed the Organ Donor Register, but we must not become complacent. We know for example that there has been a levelling out in the rate of consent given by families to allow organ donation to proceed after the death of a loved one.

“In order to raise the number of people getting life-saving transplants, it is imperative that you tell your family your wishes. So in addition to signing the Organ Donor Register, it’s important to let those around you know what you want. This means that, should the worst happen, it will be easier for your loved ones to make a positive choice about donating your organs.”



Monica Hackett, Regional Manager with the Northern Ireland and Northern Organ Donation Services Team, said, “We need more people in Northern Ireland to talk about organ donation to increase the number of lifesaving transplants.

“Forty-three per cent of people have signed the register in Northern Ireland, but many have not told their families of their decision, despite 8 out of 10 people telling us they would be willing to donate or would consider it.

“Sadly, many opportunities are lost every year because families don’t know if their loved one wanted to be a donor or not. We would encourage people to consider organ donation, to sign the Organ Donor Register and most importantly talk to their family about their decision. This can make things easier for families at a very difficult time. Talking saves lives.”



The Public Health Agency is also highlighting the need for people over 50 to sign the Organ Donor Register.

Dr Coyle said, “Many over 50s don’t join the register or tell their families they want to donate because they don’t think their organs could help other people, but this is not factually correct. People in their 50s and older can and do donate their organs. If more people in the older age groups tell their families they want to be donors, even more lives could be saved.

“Recent figures show that while across the UK 21% of those joining the Organ Donor Register were over 50 at the time of registration, in Northern Ireland the figure is 16%.

She added, “With an ageing population, we hope that more older people will sign the register, talk to their loved ones and ultimately help save lives.”

If you haven’t already signed the register or would like more information, please take the time to visit which is packed full of information and resources.



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Posted by on Sep 18 2018. Filed under Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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