Positive news from Daisy Hill Redevelopment Programme
Newry and Armagh MP Mickey Brady has welcomed progress on the redevelopment programme at Daisy Hill Hospital which will make way for a new Direct Assessment Unit.
Speaking to Newry Times, the Sinn Féin MP said, “Bernish House, formerly the Nurses Home will be the site for the new General Outpatients Department and GP Out of Hours Service.
“Both these services wil relocate there in September.
“Orior House which was the Doctors Accomodation Block will house non clinical services previously based in the Nurses Home.
“The development of a Direct Assessment Unit for the hospital was one of the proposals agreed through the Daisy Hill Pathfinder Project to help sustain and develop unscheduled care services for the population of Newry and Mourne.
“It is expected that this Unit will be open in December.
He added, “All this positive news is welcome and I commend staff for ensuring that services continue to be provided and disruptions kept to a minimum throughout these works.”
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