Southern Trust celebrates 20 years of renal care
The Southern Trust’s Renal Unit, based at Daisy Hill Hospital is celebrating 20 years since it opened in 1998.
To mark the occasion, the team is hosting a service of remembrance and thanksgiving on Sunday 17 June 2018 from 3pm to 4.40pm in Newry Cathedral.
Anyone including patients and families both past and present, interested in celebrating with the team is welcome to attend this interfaith event, followed by a reception at the Canal Court Hotel.
The Renal Unit at Daisy Hill Hospital treats patients with kidney disease from across Armagh, Dungannon, Craigavon, Banbridge, Newry and Mourne and some from border areas of the Republic of Ireland.
The modern unit now has 26 haemodialysis stations, 40 machines which are used by up to 104 patients each week.
The team of specialist nurses, medics, pharmacists, podiatrists, social workers, dieticians and technicians also support patients who have chosen a home therapy treatment and those attending renal outpatient clinics.
Last year the Unit was ranked first in the UK’s Renal Registry for survival of dialysis patients aged 65 and over and came within the top 10 across a number of other quality indicators including patient survival, adequacy of dialysis, anaemia control and kidney function after transplantation.
Commenting on their 20 year anniversary, Renal Unit Manager Kay Donegan said, “We have a fantastic team in the Renal Unit who are all dedicated to their patients and are always looking for ways to improve the services we provide.
“We have seen many developments since we first opened 20 years ago with only six dialysis stations and 24 patients. We now also have a thriving Home Therapies Service with around 25 patients dialysing at home and a very busy Renal Outpatient Department which tends to the needs of various patients including those who have been transplanted.
“Because our patients spend so much time with us, patients and staff build up great relationships and we have a lovely atmosphere throughout the unit.
Kay added, “We warmly invite any patients and staff – current or past, families, or anyone interested in joining us on 17th June to share our celebration of all that we have achieved in the past 20 years.”
If you would like to attend the celebration event please RSVP by Friday 8th June to Tel: 028 3756 2704 (leave a message) or Email:
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