Landlords urged to renew registration
The Department for Communities is asking landlords to check their registration certificate for the Landlord Registration Scheme as it may have expired.
Registration lasts for three years so landlords who registered three years ago or more need to renew their registration if they are still renting out a property.
By not renewing their registration landlords are not complying with the law.
The Landlord Registration Scheme collects and maintains accurate information on landlords and their properties.
It aims to improve tenants’ confidence in their landlords and increase landlord accountability by promoting good practice and ensuring appropriate advice and assistance is available. By law, all private landlords in Northern Ireland must register with the Landlord Registration Scheme.
If a landlord finds that their registration has already expired or are within eight weeks of the expiry date they should renew their registration now.
Landlords who fail to renew a registration while continuing to rent out properties risk being issued with a fixed penalty of up to £500 or if taken to court can be fined up to £2,500.
More information on the Landlord Registration Scheme including how to register and renew your registration is available at
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