‘EU must respect the rights of stateless nations’ – Brady
Sinn Féin MP Mickey Brady has said that the EU and international organisations must recognise and respect the rights of stateless nations to self-determination.
He was speaking at a conference in Poland recently.
The Newry and Armagh MP was addressing the issue of ‘Self Determination in Europe’ alongside speakers representing the Polish Socialist Party and Spanish ‘Left Unity’.
Mickey Brady said, “Stateless nations across the world have the right to self-determination and to realise their national sovereignty and autonomy.
“In Catalonia, as in Ireland, there is growing support for rights-based, progressive, inclusive, and open-minded visions of national independence.
“Too often these popular movements are met with aggression and intransigence from those states denying sovereignty and freedom.
“International institutions, and the community of existing states, must recognise and respect these positive movements asserting the right of their nation to take their place among the nations of the world,” he added.
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