Consumers encouraged to ‘drive a hard bargain’ for car insurance
The Consumer Council is urging drivers to shop around for better deals on their car insurance as latest figures reveal Northern Ireland motorists pay 22% more than the UK average.
Recent AA figures reveal prices for Northern Ireland drivers have dropped by almost 8% in the last three months, however at £870.49 we are still paying almost 22% more than the UK average of £697.34.
John French, Chief Executive of The Consumer Council, said, “Drivers can often get a better deal on their car insurance by shopping around. We would advise consumers to set an annual reminder before their renewal date and allow themselves time to research the market.
“We also advise consumers to use two to three comparison websites to get an idea of what is on offer. Consumers should then examine direct providers websites and phone different insurance brokers and providers, to see who will offer the best deal, as not all providers are included on price comparison websites.
He added, “Research shows that 45% of drivers in Northern Ireland stay with the same insurer each year, compared to only 30% in England.”
The Consumer Council has produced a guide ‘Driving down the cost of car insurance’ which is available from or by calling 0800 121 6022.
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