Demand for traffic calming measures in Cloughogue | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Demand for traffic calming measures in Cloughogue

Newry, Mourne & Down Sinn Féin Councillor Liz Kimmins has said that there is a need for Transport NI to address concerns as soon as possible.

She was commenting after she and her colleague Megan Fearon MLA met with Transport NI Officials to discuss issues of concern relating to the demand for traffic calming measures in the Park View and Cloughogue area.



The local Councillor stated, “We have been repeatedly calling on Transport NI for the implementation of ramps through Park View, following several complaints from residents about the speed of traffic.

“There is a constant flow of traffic through this area, which now contains 5 housing developments and therefore is highly populated with young children.

“Megan and I have had site meetings in the past with Transport NI officials who recognised the need for ramps in this area, however to date this has not been fulfilled,” she explained.

“We have again strongly emphasised the serious concerns for the safety of pedestrians in the Cloughogue area with Senior Officials and the need for traffic calming measures to be put in place imminently.”



The Sinn Féin elected representative also raised the issue of traffic congestion at the bottom of the Dublin Road adjacent to Glen Hill. “I raised the traffic light junction at the bottom of the Dublin Road and Glen Hill, this needs to be looked at as it creates huge traffic congestion on the main road off the A1 into Newry.

“The traffic build up at key times of the day can be hugely frustrating to local people and also visitors to the city. This has detrimental affects on tourism and the local economy as it can act as a deterrent to people coming into the city centre.



She added, “It is crucial that Transport NI reviewing this traffic management scheme and I have asked them to seriously consider upgrading this.”

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Posted by on Oct 31 2017. Filed under Community, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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