New housing development for older people opens
A new supported housing development has opened in Kilkeel to give older people the chance to live more independently.
The ‘Ben Crom’ complex has 10 single and two, two-bedroom apartments, accommodating up to 14 people.
The complex was developed in partnership between the Southern Health and Social Care Trust, Supporting People, Choice Housing and MindWise.
It aims to offer older people (aged over 65) the option of living independently in their own home as part of their local community, with the reassurance that there is support close to hand should they need it.
Explaining the concept which is the first of its kind in the Southern Trust area, Acting Director for Older People and Primary Care, Melanie McClements said, “We want to work with local communities and other agencies to support older people to live as independently as possible for as long as possible.
“We are delighted to team up with Choice Housing and Mindwise to develop this fantastic new development in Kilkeel. Every resident will have their own front door and can enjoy their own personal living space with the added benefit of using communal areas should they wish to.
“They also have the peace of mind that the MindWise team are there to offer support as needed. In addition the Trust will provide services to meet their health and social care needs.”
Each self-contained apartment is fully accessible and has its own bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, dining and living area and is fully equipped with utilities like washing machine, fridge, oven and hob. Fold Telecare is provided from each apartment offering remote support in an emergency.
Speaking about living at Ben Crom Alice Hennity says, “Having my own front and back door and not having to share them with anyone else is great. I am very happy here, it is beautiful in Ben Crom, it’s like paradise. I brought my Rose Bush from my previous garden called ‘Pink Perfume’. It’s a cutting from a Rose Bush my father had and I can get blooms from it all year round.”
Her neighbour Brian Moyle added, “The good thing about Ben Crom is it’s in town – close enough with easy access to the GP surgery and to shops and cafes, but is tucked away giving privacy. It’s good to be here with my friends and there is good communication with the MindWise Support Team which gives me security and helps me to feel safe.”
Anyone interested in accommodation at Ben Crom will be assessed and referred by a Social Worker. As part of the application process, the team liaises with the older person and their carers to ensure that the service is suitable for their needs.
Ben Crom is hosting an open day on Friday 20th October from 10-3.30pm for anyone interested in having a look around or finding out more.
For more information or to book a place contact Tel: 028 40 669402 Email:
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