‘Rural areas neglected in Housing Executive maintenance’, says local councillor
Sinn Féin Slieve Gullion Councillor Terry Hearty has condemned the quality of grounds maintenance which have been carried out on behalf of the Housing Executive in recent months.
Following a meeting with residents in the Culloville area, he said it was clear that piles of cut grass, overgrowth and excessive weeds had been neglected by contractors for some time.
Hearty called for immediate action from the Housing Executive to tackle outstanding issues in the area, and a commitment that this level of neglect will not be repeated.
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“Tourism is a top priority in this area, but the current state of many residential areas in our rural communities will not do much to attract visitors.
“It is no longer appropriate to pin blame on contractors who neglect areas. The Housing Executive engages with and hires these contractors.
He added, “I am calling on the Housing Executive and contractors responsible for maintaining rural areas to arrive at a permanent solution that ensures neglect of this kind is never tolerated.”
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