Stolen tractor found in Newry
A tractor, taken from a yard in the Carryduff area of Lisburn, has been recovered.
The tractor had been taken sometime between 9pm on July 18th and the following morning (19th July) from the Ballynahinch Road area.
The vehicle, which had been fitted with a TRACKER device, was reported stolen at around 7am on July 19th and was located in the Newry area a short time later.
Speaking to Newry Times, Chief Inspector Lorraine Dobson said, “We know that increased vigilance and security are key elements in denying criminals an opportunity of stealing machinery or equipment.
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“Criminals are looking to exploit soft targets and the use of TRACKER has been very successful in deterring and detecting them.
She added, “Adding these devices means that equipment is easily identifiable, and recoverable if stolen.”
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