€23m funding for cross-border greenway linking Newry to Carlingford | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

€23m funding for cross-border greenway linking Newry to Carlingford

Digital art of a family walking through the woodsThe EU’s INTERREG VA Programme has offered approximately €23.27 million in funding for three new cross-border greenway projects that will open up new sustainable travel routes for both cyclists and pedestrians.

Greenways are corridors of land that are recognised for their ability to connect people and places together.

They enhance existing outdoor recreational opportunities and can be used equally by cyclists, walkers and joggers.

One of the projects is called the ‘Carlingford Lough Greenway’. €3.46m worth of EU funding has been offered for the development of the ‘Carlingford Lough Greenway’ which will create 10.1 km of new cross-border greenway, linking Newry City in Northern Ireland to Carlingford in Ireland.

It will also create and implement a promotional marketing campaign to raise awareness of the benefits of walking and cycling for regular everyday commuters.

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The Lead Partner for the project is Louth County Council and Project partners include Newry, Mourne and Down District Council and East Border Region Ltd. The level of funding offered is €3.46m.

The overall objective of the INTERREG VA Programme in supporting the projects is to increase the number of cross-border journeys made by cycling or walking by up to 10% across the region by 2023.

Match-funding for the projects has been provided by the Department for Infrastructure in Northern Ireland and the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport in Ireland.

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30th-nov-2016-small-boxWelcoming the funding Northern Ireland’s Infrastructure Minister Chris Hazzard MLA, said, “I recently gave the green light to 1,000km of greenways across the north.

“I am delighted that three key cross-border routes to link Derry and Strabane to Donegal, Newry to Carlingford and Middletown to Smithboro – which all tie into this network – have secured this offer of EU co-financing.

“The benefits of developing greenways go well beyond transport. The health, economic, environmental and social impacts help enhance the quality of life for users. This funding demonstrates commitment to further develop sustainable transport options here,” he added.

Short URL: https://newrytimes.com/?p=58856

Posted by on Dec 23 2016. Filed under Community, News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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