University students urged to ‘drink water for life’ | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

University students urged to ‘drink water for life’

With the new university term about to get up and running, NI Water is encouraging new and returning students to keep themselves hydrated to that they can get the most out of the university experience in every way.

water6As students across Northern Ireland embark upon academic studies, drinking a little extra water every day could make a positive difference.

Water helps to increase concentration and improve memory. It also reduces the risk of cramps and tiredness, helps with healthy skin, bones, hair and nails as well as providing extra energy; very useful for burning the midnight oil over essay deadlines or for enjoying some of the student social scene!

Pat McCauley, NI Water’s Environmental Education Officer, commented, “One of NI Water’s initiatives is ‘Water for Health’ which is aimed at raising awareness of the importance of drinking water as part of a healthy lifestyle, and this applies very well to students.

“NI Water is keen to encourage young people to drink plenty of water, especially at our universities and colleges. We understand that sometimes the motivation to keep going when you’ve been studying all day can be hard to find.

“Even slight dehydration can cause feelings of tiredness and reduced alertness, which will affect someone’s interest in being active, therefore impacting on their overall wellbeing.

Article continues below:

September 2016He added, ‘‘University is a time to achieve much in life, personally and professionally. As well as a determination to obtain a good degree and good career prospects, why not be determined to make a start on the road to good health and stay hydrated?’’

Water is a basic nutrient of the human body and is essential for survival. It is essential to keep yourself well hydrated and to flush toxins from your system whilst retaining vital vitamins and minerals. Water forms a major part of our blood (over 80%), lubricates joints and eyes, aids digestion, and helps you look better by keeping your skin smooth.

NI Water’s aim is to raise awareness in the value of high quality tap water and the associated health benefits from drinking tap water. The ‘Water for Health’ initiative encourages you to keep hydrated by drinking the recommended daily amount of water.

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Posted by on Sep 29 2016. Filed under Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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