Hearty critical of Transport NI report | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Hearty critical of Transport NI report

Sinn Féin Councillor Terry Hearty has blasted Transport NI following their annual report to the Council.

Sinn Fein's Terry Hearty

Sinn Fein’s Terry Hearty

The Slieve Gullion Councillor said the body had let the people of the area down.

“Under the Ministerial direction of Danny Kennedy, Transport NI have let the facilities and services they are responsible for in South Armagh get into such a state that it is no exaggeration to say they have put lives at risk,” he said.

“Vulnerable people right through the entire winter were left with shoddy street lighting, children walking to and from youth clubs on busy roads had to do so in the dark, elderly people in estates were left with no sense of security and right across the area hundred s of lights were broken, while, bizarrely, others were left on all day and night.

“Through their failure to cut verges at junctions, empty gullies and repair damage to roads they have acted totally recklessly when it comes to the health and safety of the people of the area.

He continued, “Danny Kennedy’s legacy has left this area in such a state that it will takes hundreds of thousands to get back to where we were due to a lack of one year’s maintenance.

“Not only have rural roads been abandoned but main roads like the B30 have been left with major holes that have gotten bigger and bigger due to a lack of basic maintenance.

“In their reports over the past number of years Transport NI have named a number of rural projects as priorities but they now appear to have dropped them. Two years ago they approved a passing bay at the junction of the Newry Road onto the Creamery Road after lobbying from Sinn Féin councillors.

Article continues below:

May June 2016 updated“This was agreed and presented to councillors in a glossy brochure but has now been dropped; as far as we’re concerned that brochure is not worth the paper it’s printed on. The Loch Ross Road crossing onto the Blaney Road is a blind junction and people on Lough Ross Road feel like they are taking their lives in their hands every time they use it.

“We were told there would be a 20mph speed limit installed at Clonalig Primary School during the hours children were entering and leaving the school and that has never happened.

“We wanted the 30mph sign on the Glassdrummond Road moved up past the Poet’s Glen for the safety of residents in the area and also requested an inspection of the bridge at Larkin’s Road following concerns from residents.

Hearty added, “These are not unreasonable demands. I’m certainly pleased to see that Chris Hazzard has now taken over the Infrastructure portfolio and am confident he will do what he can to undo the damage of Danny Kennedy’s toxic legacy.”

Short URL: https://newrytimes.com/?p=56241

Posted by on May 31 2016. Filed under Community, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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