Victoria Lock refurbishment works completed
Half a million pounds of investment has seen the completion of the refurbishment works at Victoria Lock which has been carried out by Silverbridge Contractor J O Hearty and Sons.
The refurbishment project, which was designed and managed by the Consultant CEI Collins Engineers Ltd, began in July last year and consisted of two contracts; Dredging of the Lock Chamber and Major Refurbishment of the Sea Gates.
On 23rd February 2016, the two Sea Gates were reinstalled and have now been recommissioned following the reconnection of electrical and hydraulic systems to the opening rams and four new penstocks which control the water levels in the lock chamber.
On 25th March 2016, Newry, Mourne and Down District Council was handed back the site and the surrounding car park and Amenity Area have since reopened.
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council Chairperson, Councillor Mickey Ruane commented on the process involved in the refurbishment work saying, “The work to the Sea Gates was more extensive than originally intended due to the fact that the existing pivot pins were in poor condition, with one pivot pin having broken off due to corrosion.
“Investigative work was carried out by divers to determine how the new pivot pins could be securely fitted underwater. On completion of the underwater preparatory work, which took the diving team many days working in cold seawater with zero visibility and difficult tidal conditions, the new pivot pins were installed in the very precise positions required to ensure the proper operation of the sea gates.”
Article continues below:Councillor Mickey Ruane also paid tribute to the Contractor Oliver Hearty, his team and to Consultant Gerry Hennity saying, “All of those involved have worked very effectively together in a professional manner to bring about the successful completion of what was a technically challenging project carried out in a sensitive marine environment.
He added, “The refurbishment of the Sea Gates at Victoria Lock, which is a Scheduled Monument, demonstrates the Council’s ongoing commitment of maintaining and preserving the unique industrial and maritime heritage of the district.”
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