Southern Trust Biomedical Scientists Amongst Best in Northern Ireland
Two Biomedical Scientists from the Southern Health and Social Care Trust have recently gained their Higher Specialist Examination, a professional qualification from the Institute of Biomedical Science.
Mairead Caraher who specialises in Haematology and Graham Scott, in Transfusion Science, are the only two to hold this award in their respective fields in Northern Ireland.
They join their Microbiology colleague Gary Warnock, who gained the same qualification just two years ago.
There are 133 laboratory staff in the Southern Trust providing a 24 hour service across Daisy Hill and Craigavon Area hospitals. The team of scientists and administrative staff work in four main disciplines; Biochemistry, Haematology/Blood Transfusion, Microbiology and Pathology.
All laboratory staff work closely with doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals, playing a key role in the diagnosis and treatment of patients.
Both Mairead and Graham work across the Daisy Hill and Craigavon laboratories. As Biomedical Scientists in Haematology and Blood Transfusion, their work involves performing full blood count, coagulation testing, antibody identification and crossmatching blood.
Ronan Carroll, Assistant Director of Acute Services; Cancer and Clinical Services for the Southern Trust said, “Without Biomedical Scientists, the diagnosis, treatment and research into the causes and cures of disease would not be possible.
“We examine around two and a half million patient samples in our laboratories each year so our biomedical teams play a very vital role in the Southern Trust.
“As science and technology are continually evolving, we need to keep up to date with latest developments and ensure that we can meet increasing standards. Those who obtain their Higher Specialist Diploma from the Institute of Biomedical Science demonstrate that they have exceptional skills, knowledge and a real commitment to their profession.
Ronan added, “I would like to congratulate Mairead and Graham for their dedication and pay tribute to our laboratory team who are delivering such a high calibre diagnostic service to Southern Trust patients.”
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