Rogers proposes ‘radical’ programme of education reform
SDLP Education spokesperson Seán Rogers MLA has called for a radical programme of education reform that he says will reshape the curriculum, reengineer the economy and resolve the conflict around post primary transfer.
Speaking at the recent SDLP annual conference, Rogers said, “Education in Northern Ireland is suffering from a very severe policy and political paralysis.
“As a former teacher and principal, I know how good our teachers, our support staff and our pupils are. In my experience, we are second to none. But the unrelenting and systemic failure of those who have led our education system politically for the last 17 years is critically undermining our ability to deliver for pupils, parents, communities and our economy.
Rogers says the system is underfunded, arduous for staff to work in and ‘absolutely bereft of strategic direction’. “Those failings lie at the door of the party that has held control of the Department since devolution in 1998 and its time they faced up to it.
“The SDLP is now calling for a radical reform agenda at the heart of education in Northern Ireland. An agenda that will deliver better outcomes for our children, better quality of life in communities across the North and a revitalised economy, fit for the 21st century.
He added, “Education across the North faces challenges. From creating a system of shared education to resolving post primary transfer and, most importantly, making it fit for a 21st century economy.
“The SDLP is prepared to embark on a radical programme of reform to deliver better outcomes. We’re the radical alternative to the current administration and I believe people will see that.”
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