Hamilton announces eating disorders move | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Hamilton announces eating disorders move

Health Minister Simon Hamilton today announced that he has requested officials to start examining the possibility of establishing a specialist eating disorders unit.

Health Minister Simon Hamilton

Health Minister Simon Hamilton

“Eating disorders are a very serious health issue for many people in our community,” Hamilton said.

“One estimate states that between 18,000 and 20,000 individuals will be living with an eating disorder in Northern Ireland at any one time. The effects can be devastating for sufferers, and their families and friends.

“There has been much positive additional investment provided to eating disorder services in the last decade, but I am aware that there is considerable support for a local specialist eating disorders unit.

“Equally, we need to be sure that any such service would be sustainable in the long term. I have therefore decided that the time is now right to start considering all of the options,” he explained.

At present, community-based specialist eating disorder services for adults and children are available across all five HSC Trust areas. Inpatient treatment for adults is facilitated in existing hospitals. Children who require inpatient treatment are usually admitted to Beechcroft in Belfast.

The Minister continued, “The small population size in Northern Ireland has, until now, led officials to conclude that a specialist unit could not be sustained, as the likely number of patients would be relatively low.

“One key factor for consideration this time will be the increasing number of patients who are transferred to facilities outside of Northern Ireland for specialist eating disorders treatment.

Hamilton added, “This is why I have asked officials to start the process of looking at the evidence and engaging with the relevant stakeholders to examine the possibility of creating such a unit.”

Short URL: https://newrytimes.com/?p=53063

Posted by on Oct 7 2015. Filed under Community, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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