Hearty opens discussions on Rural development millions
Sinn Féin Councillor Terry Hearty gave the opening brief at the first public consultation event on Rural Development money.

Councillors Terry Hearty and Mickey Larkin at the first public consultation event on Rural Development money
The events are designed to give local people a say in how the £11.18m from the LEADER programme will be delivered across the district over the next five years.
The Slieve Gullion representative, who was joined by party colleague Mickey Larkin, said the event was about figuring out how to best meet the needs of the community.
“This event is part of an ongoing and continued process of engagement in preparation for the delivery of the new Rural Development Programme. It is your opportunity to shape how we deliver the Rural Development Programme within Newry, Mourne and Down,” he told those in attendance.
“As a partnership made up of local people, representative of the area and of the different sectoral interests including community, business and farming working with our elected councillors, we want to ensure that the new funding is used to best meet rural need and ultimately contribute to a more sustainable and vibrant rural economy and community.
“This Local Development Strategy should be based on the needs of the local area and should complement the Council’s community planning process, so we want everyone to participate. We encourage you to actively engage with the process and make your views heard,” he added.
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