Excitement builds for Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust Golf Classic
Friends of the Kevin Bell Repatriation Trust invite you to take part in their first annual Golf Classic at Clover Hill Golf Club, situated at the foot of Slieve Gullion mountain in Mullaghbawn, Co.Armagh on Saturday 29th August 2015.
The format for the day is a four-ball scramble. This is a fun and fast way to play golf and it allows players of all abilities to contribute to the team’s success.
In this format, each team’s players hit from the teebox, then the team members choose the best of the four shots for the next shot. All team members then play the second shot from that location, and again choose the best shot. Play continues in this way until the hole is completed.
While taking and contributing to this fantastic charity will surely be enough for most of us, those of you with a competitive streak will be glad to know there will be plenty of opportunities to win prizes with four ball at some of Ireland’s premier golf courses available for teams coming 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
There will also be prizes for closest to the pin and long drive challenges at selected holes.
The cost to take part is £120 per team. This price includes a hot meal when you are finished in the Cloverhill Club House. A prize giving will take place at the club when the last team finishes their round (approximately 7:30 p.m).
If there are any local businesses who would like to offer their support this would also be very welcome.
Call Des McKibbin on 07976914727 to book a tee time or alternatively email: desmckibbin@gmail.com
Short URL: https://newrytimes.com/?p=52308