Newry Chamber fails in bid to block Carnbane Way development
Newry Chamber of Commerce has failed in its High Court bid to block a major development in the city.
The initial application proposed a mix of 70 industrial and business units, a retail foodstore, 14 residential units and associated landscaping on the 15 hectare Carnbane site.
Back in November 2014, The Pilots of the Carnbane Way Development project accused Newry Chamber of Commerce of preparing to ‘close the city for business’ by pushing ahead with a hugely expensive court action in a bid to block and delay the £47 million development at Carnbane Way, which they claim will create nearly 800 jobs.
The local Chamber initiated a judicial review after traders in the city reiterated their belief that businesses in Newry would be affected by the out of town development.
Dismissing the claims, Judge Seamus Treacy said, “None of the grounds of the challenge were established and the challenge is dismissed.” Judge Treacy went on to question the motives behind the Chamber’s judicial review.
Speaking to Newry Times this evening, Eamon Breen of Warrenpoint-based The Hill Partnership, the developers behind the project, said they felt vindicated by today’s decision. “The minister made the right decision last year and the judge made the right decision today.
“We’re delighted to get this decision. It’s a £47m development bringing 750 jobs when you include the people who will be working on construction of the site, and we are delighted to bring this to Newry.”
Orla Jackson, chief executive of Newry Chamber of Commerce, told BBC NI that they would now consider appealing the decision.”We do not believe the developer’s claims that this brings jobs to Newry. It will displace jobs from our city centre businesses.”
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