‘Alcohol And You’ awareness campaign a huge success
Newry, Mourne and Down Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP), PSNI and Alcohol and You recently presented the evaluation of their joint initiative to reduce alcohol related problems in the Down area which was formally launched in August 2014.
The figures associated with the campaign make very interesting reading with 6 different posters appearing in the local press and social media.
Training events including ‘Talking About Tough Issues’ attracted 11 families while 12 clubs from throughout the district attended the Sports Club Information Evening on developing an Alcohol Policy.
Two workshops on learning ‘Steps to Cope’ with family problems associated with alcohol proved very popular as did the Family Selfie Competition in which the Trainor family Downpatrick won first prize of a £150 Argos voucher.
Speaking about the campaign’s success Ed Sipler, The South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust stated, “As a group we are delighted that this joined up approach to working has made such a positive impact on making people more aware of the dangers of alcohol.
“We are particularly delighted with the rise in website hits from 958 at the beginning of the campaign to 1632 in March 2015, a dramatic increase of 674.”
At the conclusion of the campaign due to its recognised success, the group were pleased to be asked by the SE Trust Drugs and Alcohol Co-ordination Team to make a presentation to them as they were considering rolling out the campaign throughout the entire Trust area.
Further information and help, if you are concerned about your drinking levels,can be found on the Alcohol and You website www.alcoholandyouni.com.
The website has a range of support and interventions ranging from a self-assessment of your drinking patterns to determine if they are within safe limits, to a family support programme aimed at helping family members of those impacted on by the use of alcohol.
If you require any additional information regarding the Alcohol and You campaign please contact Ellen Brennan Newry, Mourne and Down Section of the PCSP on 03000132233.
Short URL: https://newrytimes.com/?p=51313