Hilltown fly-tipping is ‘a blight on the area’ says Fitzpatrick
SDLP Crotlieve Councillor Gillian Fitzpatrick has condemned a spate of illegal fly-tipping incidents that has taken place in the Hilltown area.
Speaking to Newry Times, she said, “Illegal dumping is a constant blight on the countryside that has been getting worse around the rural Hilltown area.
“With the local amenity site just over a mile away, it would seem that these criminals are not only without conscience but lazy as well.
“Those committing this crime should recognise the selfishness and recklessness of their actions. Fly-tipping is not a victimless crime as it leaves the ratepayer or the landowner responsible for cleaning up.
“Much of the waste includes materials and substances that pose a serious threat to livestock like paint pots, plaster boards. Indeed many farmers around the Mayobridge area have also contacted me to express their concern at the same type of fly-tipping as in the HIlltown area.
The local Councillor added, “I would urge anyone who witnesses illegal fly-tipping to contact Council authorities who will endeavour to identify and penalise the perpetrators.”
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