Newry’s Newpoint Players place second at annual Ulster Drama Festival
Newry’s Newpoint Players were awarded the runners up prize for best overall production at the 63rd annual Ulster Drama Festival held at Newtownabbey’s Theatre at the Mill.

Dame Mary Peters, Prresident of the Ulster Drama Association and J Mac Pollock, Chairman of the Ulster Drama Association pictured with the award-winners
The Austin P Stewart Award, awarded to the runner-up of the Premier Award was awarded to the Newpoint Players for their production of Mary Zimmerman’s play Metamorphosis- while Dublin’s Estuary Players were named the big winners at the grand finals and were awarded the prestigious Premier Award.
The awards ceremony marked the climax of a fierce week of competition which saw 6 of Ireland’s best amateur theatre companies, Estuary Players, Holywood Players, east Belfast’s Clarence Players, Newry’s Newpoint players, Ballyshannon Theatre Group and Rasper Players, go head to head; judged on everything from production and directing to acting, lighting and set design.
This year’s Festival has been hailed by Festival organisers as one of the best to date – with standards across all categories exceptionally high and stand-out performances from all six finalists.
Chief Executive of the Association of Ulster Drama Festivals, J Mac Pollock said, “This year’s Festival has been a huge success and I would like to congratulate all who have taken part.
“The standard was particularly high with all companies producing the highest quality of amateur theatre as reflected by the comments of our guest adjudicator Robert Meadows.”
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