Road safety message driven home to Warrenpoint school
Local insurance broker Autoline Insurance Group has delivered its interactive ‘2 Young 2 Die’ road education workshop to 70 Year 13 pupils at St Mark’s High School, Warrenpoint.
The completion of the workshop recently marks the end of Autoline’s road education programme for the 2014/15 school calendar year, during which the broker has delivered the workshop to over 1,200 pupils across 24 schools throughout Northern Ireland.
The road safety workshops are free of charge and designed to get young people thinking about the consequences of dangerous driving and the responsibilities and risks associated with getting behind the wheel.
The ‘2 Young 2 Die’ campaign uses hard-hitting videos and statistics, along with discussion-based workshops, to get key messages on issues such as speed, alcohol and drugs, distractions and the consequences of crashes across to young drivers and passengers.
In 2014, 79 people were killed on the roads in Northern Ireland, an alarming 22 more fatalities than recorded in 2013. In 2014, 21 of the deceased were aged 16-24 years old.
Commenting on the initiative, Mrs Karen Crummy, Post 16 Year Head, said, “This was a very informative session that captured the attention of the entire audience.
“The sense of reality was extremely evident by the way in which the students engaged with the presenters. The presentation itself was factual, evidence-based and graphic which helped to promote a very clear Road Safety message.
“The students were particularly impressed and interested by the functionality of the Autoline Road Safe Reward. This presentation is extremely beneficial in raising awareness of road safety issues especially among our post 16 pupils for whom many have just started to drive,” she added.
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