Proposal for foothpath between Meigh and Slieve Gullion turned down
Sinn Fein Councillor Liz Kimmins has said that while she is disappointed Transport NI have turned down her request for a footpath between Meigh and Slieve Gullion Forest Park she has not given up on the matter.
“Following numerous requests from the local community in Meigh village for an adequate footway joining between Meigh and Slieve Gullion Forest Park I approached Transport NI and expressed their concerns,” she said.
“I highlighted the ever increasing volume of visitors to the park and explained it was vitally important that pedestrians could get to and from the park safely.
“Slieve Gullion is a major tourist attraction in this area and it is very disappointing that Transport NI have again turned down this request, despite numerous requests by my predecessors in Sinn Fein and by myself.
“Transport NI said their assessment ruled the footpath as a low priority and they have therefore no plan to provide one at this location.
Kimmins added, “I know the local community will be extremely disappointed at this response, however I intend to continue to lobby Transport NI on the behalf of the people and in the interests of promoting access to the tourist attractions in this area.”
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