Irwin calls on Equality Commission to publish Newry play park report
Newry & Armagh DUP MLA William Irwin has called on the Equality Commission to finally conclude its process in relation to the naming of McCreesh Park in Newry and to issue its report.
During an Assembly debate, proposed by Irwin, he compared the swift action of the Commission in other cases to the “snail’s pace” on McCreesh Park.
Speaking to Newry Times, Irwin stated, “The latest chapter in this saga has only just occurred within Newry and Mourne Council.
“Once again Sinn Fein Councillors have demonstrated not just disrespect for due process but a complete disregard for the feelings of a huge number of people and a disregard for the Equality Commission.
“The Commission has recognised there was a clear breach of the Council’s Equality Policy but appear toothless. That stands in stark contrast to other cases which have been pursued with vigour and with every weapon in their arsenal.
“Meanwhile the McCreesh Park case trudges along at a snail’s pace. It is time for that process to be completed and the report published. Whilst Sinn Fein has been to the fore in this disgraceful celebration of a convicted terrorist criminal the SDLP has only recently attempted to reposition itself and finally stand with right thinking people.
“We should not forget however, that the previous actions of SDLP Councillors have led us to where we are today. Whilst the shift by the SDLP on Newry and Mourne Council is not before time we should not forget that the SDLP has not shifted from its support for the release of Marion Price or Gerry McGeough, the latter being voted upon in the same room as one of his victims,” he continued.
“We also await the views of Alasdair McDonnell on his Councillors in Mid Ulster voting to ban the sale of poppies. Such incidents are a far cry from the SDLP’s talk of reconciliation and of sensitivity to victims.
“The McCreesh Park issue has deeply hurt many people in the Newry and Mourne area, who see both the SDLP and Sinn Fein’s true attitude, particularly towards the minority unionist community.
“Whilst the actions of terrorists and the heartache they caused was ultimately futile, that does not mean their violence and criminality should be celebrated today.
The DUP MLA added, “I will continue to work to see this disgraceful name removed, and the opposition of the DUP, like other unionists has been consistent since the very first vote by Newry and Mourne Council.”
Newry play park to retain name after vote
1000 letters of support for Raymond McCreesh Park handed into Newry Council
Irwin urges response on Newry play park ‘terrorist’ naming
Row over contentious Newry play park rumbles on
Equality Commission to investigate Newry Council decision over Raymond McCreesh Park
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