Ice Hockey Giant inspires Newry young people with diabetes
The Southern Health and Social Care Trust has organised an event for young people with diabetes who are interested in sport.
Young people with diabetes from Armagh, Dunnganon, Craigavon, Banbridge, Newry and Mourne are invited to learn more about how to get the most from sport and exercise on Saturday 28th February 2015 at Seagoe Parish Centre, Portadown from 2-5pm.
Dr Sarinda Millar, Consultant Paediatrician explained, “We look after around 250 children and adolescents with Type 1 diabetes across the Southern Trust. Our aim is to support and educate them and their families in managing their condition so that they can lead fulfilled lives.
“Having diabetes should not prevent anyone from participating in and enjoying sport and exercise. We encourage not just children and adolescents with diabetes but everyone to exercise regularly and frequently to keep them healthy and prevent many medical conditions.
“The event aims to encourage and inspire children and young people to exercise and to empower them with the knowledge to manage their diabetes whilst exercising.”
The programme includes workshops, advice from diabetes and sports specialists and inspirational speakers Belfast Giant, Calvin Effring, Marathon Runner, Siobhan Monaghan and Ironman, Kevin Murdock who will share their personal experiences of enjoying sport with Type 1 diabetes.
Speaking about enjoying sport with diabetes, Belfast Giant, Calvin Effring said, “Exercise is obviously great for everyone and I would hate to think that having diabetes would put any young person off from enjoying sport.
“I have learned how to manage my diabetes so that I can play hockey competitively and am keen to show young people that diabetes doesn’t have to hold you back from your activities at any level.”
To find out more or to register your attendance contact one of our Diabetes Nurse Specialists, Shirley Brannigan, 07786150282 or Paula Connell, 07841102147 by Friday 20th February 2015.
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