Ambitions soar at B/E Aerospace for Newry students | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Ambitions soar at B/E Aerospace for Newry students

B/E Aerospace in Kilkeel, which annually manufactures around a quarter of the world’s commercial airline seats, has been helping to encourage A level students from across Northern Ireland to let their ambitions soar.

Working in partnership with Business In The Community’s ‘Inspire To Aspire’ programme, student Interns currently on one year placements with B/E Aerospace designed and managed their own, slightly quirky version of the conventional Careers Day.

Enjoying the B/E Aerospace experience were students from Newry and Bessbrook.

For their ‘Inspire To Work’ event, they blended fun with facts as they gave visiting schools valuable insight into the diverse skills and disciplines needed to create and engineer the company’s products, support customers around the world and manage a business which locally employs 830 people.

They brought Cool FM’s Connor Phillips – who comes from nearby Jonesboro – on site to add to the fun and energy of the day. He challenged students (and teachers!) to put their newly acquired knowledge of the aviation sector to the test by designing and building mini airline seats … but made entirely from lollipop sticks!

Yvonne Mallon, HR Director at B/E Aerospace, was delighted at the enthusiastic response from both students and teachers. She said, “Everyone was up for a day packed with fun as well as information and I think the Interns who created our ‘Inspire To Work’ event managed to show that, although we all work very hard, we also enjoy what we’re doing and relish the challenges.

“As a constantly growing company with superb job openings at a wide range of levels, we seek to recruit, nurture and develop young talent and we have fantastic opportunities here for people who share our passion for the STEM (Science Technology Engineering & Maths) subjects.

“That upbeat message is, of course, music to the ears of students and careers teachers and a welcome reminder that all the hard work at school and at university will pay off.

Yvonne added, “We’re hopeful that some of the young people who visited the plant for our Inspire To Work Day have been so inspired by our talented and highly focused Interns that some of them may return as the next generation of B/E Aerospace Interns or employees.”

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Posted by on Jan 12 2015. Filed under Community, Jobs & Careers. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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