Fury over South Armagh dumping of laundered fuel
Slieve Gullion Sinn Féin Councillor Mickey Larkin has condemned the dumping of laundered diesel at Carrive in Forkhill.
The latest incident was discovered on Wednesday morning by locals.
“The dumping of this poison is not just an attack on the environment, it is an affront to the community,” Larkin blasted.
“On a weekly basis this toxic sludge is abandoned on Irish roads and verges, left leaking into fields causing pollution and health risks to the animals and residents.”
Councillor Larkin added, “I would call on those engaged in this to desist and put the welfare of the community first before profit.”
Short URL: https://newrytimes.com/?p=46289
Posted by Newry Times News
on Nov 13 2014. Filed under Community.
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