‘DVLA must address service problems’ – Rogers | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

‘DVLA must address service problems’ – Rogers

SDLP South Down MLA Seán Rogers has said that the transition following the DVLA closure in Coleraine and relocation to Swansea has caused motorists in the North significant problems.

SDLP MLA Sean Rogers

Speaking to Newry Times, Rogers said, “I am very concerned at the numbers of individuals who are still experiencing issues with the centralisation of DVLA.

“It was promised that the switch would be a smooth one and unfortunately this has not been the case. I have recently been made aware of an individual who sold their car and sent off the SORN to DVLA Coleraine in 2013.

“An acknowledgment was received but in 2014 the same individual received a ‘last chance’ letter from DVLA Swansea indicating they hadn’t taxed the car or completed a SORN.

“DVLA Swansea explained there had been ‘a bit of a slippage’ between them and Coleraine. The individual then received a demand to pay a penalty of £80 and if this was not paid the vehicle would be clamped, seized or passed to a Debt Recovery Agency,” he ecxplained.

“Unfortunately for this individual the case just adds to the growing number of the public who have to bear the brunt of an unfit computer system. This is just not acceptable.

Rogers added, “I am therefore urging members of the public to retain a copy of their SORN when selling their vehicle and I will work with my party colleague Margaret Ritchie MP to make representations to the Secretary of State for Transport highlighting this fiasco.”

Short URL: https://newrytimes.com/?p=46184

Posted by on Nov 4 2014. Filed under Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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