Job search tips from the Employment Service | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Job search tips from the Employment Service

Is your job search off to a slow start or getting stuck?

Here are some quick time-saving job search tips from Davy Doyle, Department for Employment and Learning Local Office Manager in Newry Jobs & Benefits office, that will help your hunt for a new job go smoothly.

Get online. Search the job search engines – the Department for Employment and Learning’s Jobcentre Online – – is a good place to start. You should also consider contacting local recruitment agencies or view their websites.

Be prepared. Consider getting a separate email account to use for your job search, so you can stay organized. Also, it is recommended you sign up for a professional sounding email address. Put your mobile phone number on your CV so you can follow up in a timely manner.

Get help. Use services that provide career counselling and job search assistance. The Department for Employment and Learning’s Careers Service provides free, impartial careers information, advice and guidance to clients of all ages, whether employed or unemployed.

Careers advisers can help you identify and analyse your skills, explore specific career areas and help you set your career goals. They have knowledge of the local job market and can advise on current job opportunities.

Log onto to find your local careers adviser. This site also carries extensive information on education, skills and training. You can also contact the Careers Service by phone on 0300 200 7820.

Get more help. Jobs and Benefits office staff can also provide support to help you find employment including information on a range of employment and training opportunities and other services available.

If you have a disability and are looking for employment then help is also available through the Department’s Disability Employment Service. Many JobCentres and Jobs & Benefits offices across Northern Ireland run Job Clubs in locations such as your local public library. Many libraries also provide computers and printers you can use, and other resources to help you with your job search.

Be more than prepared. Always have an up-to-date CV ready to send – even if you are not currently looking for work. Help is available from staff in the Jobs & Benefits office and Careers Service – you never know when an opportunity that is too good to pass up might come along.

Create your own templates. Have copies of your CV and cover letter ready to edit. That way you can change the content to match the requirements of the job you’re applying for, but, the contact information and your opening and closing paragraphs won’t need to be changed.

Microsoft Word users can download free templates for CVs, cover letters and email messages which can be personalized for your own correspondence.

Review samples. It’s always a good idea to look online at sample letters and CVs to get ideas for your own job search materials.

References. Have a list of three references including name, job title, company, phone number and email address ready to give to interviewers. Print a copy of your reference list and bring it with you to interviews.

Use your network. Tell everyone you know that you are looking for work and ask if they can help in any way. You can use social media as a tool to research employers and network with relevant individuals to supplement your job search. You also need to manage your online reputation to ensure you maintain a positive and professional image.

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Posted by on Mar 20 2014. Filed under Community, Jobs & Careers. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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