PSNI to host trailer marking event
As part of their focus on rural and agricultural crime during February, Police in South Down are hosting a trailer marking event.
South Down Neighbourhood Policing Team will attend Hilltown Mart between 10am and 4pm on Friday, 21st February.
Those attending are invited to bring along their trailers which will be marked by the Neighbourhood Team so that they are more identifiable and easily recognised.
Trailer marking involves a unique ID mark, consisting of a series of letters and numbers, being painted on a trailer in an easily visible area using specialist paint and stencils.
The trailer owner’s details and ID mark are recorded and held on a PSNI database which can then be checked if a trailer is seen on the road or in a location at a time that’s unusual.
Trailer marking is just one strand of the PSNI’s Farmwatch initiative which has been developed to help farmer’s protect and secure their property and homes.
The aim of Farm Watch is to promote the importance of being vigilant and the need for improved communication- both in rural and farming communities and between rural communities and the PSNI.
The scheme includes specific farm watch roadside/property signage to advertise the scheme is in place as well as signage for placing on farm machinery linked to Farmwatch stating a warning that the property is uniquely mmarked.
It also includes a property marking scheme provided by the local NPT as well as practical crime prevention advice to farmers and landowners to help ensure their property and goods are as secure as possible. All of this is free to members of the the rural and agricultural community.
Constable Brennan, South Down Neighbourhood Policing Team, said, “We are focusing on rural crime during February and want to take every opportunity we can to meet with members of the rural and agricultural crime and find more ways to support them and provide them with information about steps they can take to protect their property and livestock.
“Farmwatch allows us to share information with the right people at the right time and events like this give us the opportunity to meet the local community and gain a better understanding of local concerns and issues.
“Farmwatch can only be of benefit to all residents in rural and agricultural areas and I would encourage anyone who is interested in joining the scheme or having their trailers marked to come along to Hilltown Mart on Friday, 21st February.
He added, “By working together we can ensure a stronger approach to tackling crime and addressing local concerns.”
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