Big bus brings Cancer services to Newry | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Big bus brings Cancer services to Newry

Leading local cancer charity Action Cancer is bringing its Big Bus mobile unit to Newry next week, as part of its ongoing tour of Northern Ireland.

The unit will be hosted by the Southern Health Trust’s Promoting Wellbeing Team and located at Loanda Crescent on Friday 7th February.

The 18 metre-long articulated vehicle with expanding side pods, houses cancer prevention and early detection services and staff on the unit also provide information about support services.

The mobile clinic was launched in 2006 to help Action Cancer save lives and support people.

Services provided on the Big Bus, which is fully accessible for people with disabilities by means of a wheelchair lift, include digital breast screening for women aged between 40 and 49 and over 70, health promotion and MOT health checks for men and women.

A full body composition analysis using the latest technology provides clients with information on their height, weight, body mass index and more, and also offers health awareness and weight loss guidance, encouraging people to adapt to a healthier lifestyle.

Big Bus staff can provide information on complementary therapies and other cancer support services such as counselling, a Listening Ear Service, and support groups, which are available for cancer patients, their carers and families at the charity’s headquarters in Belfast and at other locations.

Anyone interested in making an appointment for the Big Bus when it is in Newry should telephone Action Cancer in advance on 028 9080 3344. Alternatively, you can book online by going to, and follow the ‘online booking’ link on the home page.

Appointments will be available from 10.00am to 3.00pm each day. Bookings are taken on a first come first served basis as there are a limited number of appointments for all services.

Action Cancer Big Bus Coordinator Seán Conlon explained why the public should take advantage of the service, “The Big Bus has become a well-known and valuable health resource for men and women throughout Northern Ireland, delivering life-saving services right to their doorstep.

“Every year the Big Bus visits 200 communities providing breast screenings for more than 4,500 women and health checks and advice for over 2,600 people.

“With cancer rates on the increase early detection and prevention services, as well as support for those diagnosed with cancer and their families, are more important than ever. Action Cancer would encourage people to use the Big Bus when it visits their community.”

The Big Bus targets areas in Northern Ireland where cancer risk is greatest and where uptake of screening services is low.

Individuals wishing to make an appointment for a service and groups and companies wishing to make a booking for the Big Bus to visit their location should telephone Action Cancer on 028 9080 3344 or use the dedicated email address

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Posted by on Jan 8 2014. Filed under Community, What's On. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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