Employment Service reminds Newry employers ‘we’re here to help’
The Department for Employment and Learning’s (DEL) Employment Service is reminding Newry employers of the range of services available to help them.
Davy Doyle, DEL Local Office Manager for Newry Jobs & Benefits office, explained, “Do you need help in recruiting staff? Our network of 35 Jobs & Benefits offices and JobCentres across Northern Ireland offers a range of no cost services to help you to find suitable employees.
“We have a team of specially trained Employer Contact Managers to assist you with each stage of the recruitment process. You can phone, fax, email or visit your Jobs & Benefits office / JobCentre with details of the job or jobs you want to advertise. Alternatively, you can place them directly online at www.employersonlineni.com.
“All you have to do is register with the website and our Online Support Team will create an account for you. When the vacancy has been approved you can receive and view completed job applications and CVs electronically.
He continued, “Our staff will advise you on the best way of presenting your vacancy details, which will be displayed on www.jobcentreonline.com which attracts around 200,000 visits each week. Your vacancies can be easily accessed through touch screen JobPoints located in each of our offices and by jobseekers around the world.
“We can also provide you with standard application forms or you can use your own. Help with recruitment is not all DEL has to offer. You could qualify for financial assistance if you are willing to help unemployed people gain skills and experience by providing them with opportunities to train through participation in a range of employment and training programmes such as Steps to Work, ApprenticeshipsNI, Training for Success, Bridge to Employment, and the Youth Employment Scheme.
“During this time you will have the benefit of assessing their abilities for permanent employment. We also offer additional services to employers who are prepared to give special consideration to recruiting unemployed jobseekers. We can arrange recruitment events such as open days or evenings where you can meet jobseekers to discuss job opportunities.
“We can also help you by identifying a shortlist of potential candidates, using your vacancy criteria. You may find this particularly useful if you do not have a dedicated human resources department.
“DEL can also assist employers who have staff with disabilities. The Disability Employment Service (DES) supports people with health conditions and disabilities obtain and retain employment. DES can also advise on financial and other assistance available.
“The Occupational Psychology Service provides a comprehensive information and assessment service to assist people with disabilities and employers. Further information is available on http://www.delni.gov.uk/des.”
For further information call 0800 3289135 or log onto http://www.delni.gov.uk/index/finding-employment-finding-staff/fs-help-to-find-staff.htm
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