Large turnout for local digital event | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Large turnout for local digital event

Upwards of 55 companies from Armagh, Down, Tyrone, Louth and Monaghan attended a recent cross-border digital business event.

A group of attendees pictured with Ciaran Lynch, Nifty Nosh, Guest Speaker at the Tradelinks 2 cross-border Digital Marketing event in Banbridge

The Digital & Social Media Marketing Event, which took place at Banbridge Enterprise Centre, informed local firms on how digital marketing can assist them develop their business, particularly when trading on a cross-border basis.

The workshop was one of a series of digital networking events which are being held as part of Tradelinks 2, a cross border business development programme designed to grow the micro enterprise sector across Northern Ireland and the border counties.

Tradelinks is a partnership initiative delivered by Enterprise NI, the network of local Enterprise Agencies and the Border County Enterprise Boards.

Speaking at the event was Ciaran Lynch, founder and Managing Director of, spoke of his experiences of growing a successful e-commerce business.

NiftyNosh was launched in Autumn 2008, and was the first company in Northern Ireland to introduce the concept of ordering takeaway food online from independent restaurants and takeaways.

The company has enjoyed considerable growth in sales over the past two years, with restaurants and takeaways using its service across Northern Ireland, Scotland and London.

Other speakers at the event included: Claire Cunningham and Breda McGuigan from Aura Internet Services, who spoke about buying and selling on the Internet and the use of mobile apps and Daithi Conlan, from Website NI, whose specialist topic is Search Engine Optimization.

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Posted by on Dec 12 2013. Filed under Business, Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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