A plank of wood joins forces with the ‘Dirty Dozen’ Gang in Newry | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

A plank of wood joins forces with the ‘Dirty Dozen’ Gang in Newry

The ‘Dirty Dozen’ gang has recently hired an accomplice to wreak havoc on NI Water’s sewer system at Beech Hill, Newry, in the form of a plank of wood!

The offending plank of wood

The ‘Dirty Dozen’ are the twelve most common items the public flush and dump down our sewers.

The ring leader is the innocent looking Baby Wipe, closely followed by Sanitary Towels. These ordinary household items head a gang of everyday products that cause mayhem with the sewer system when flushed down the toilet or dumped in the sewers.

Gary Little, part of the ‘Dirty Dozen’ team set up to combat the growing threat to our sewers, explained, “We are literally fighting a daily battle to clear blocked sewers at a cost of over £1.7 million to NI Water every year.

“The ‘Dirty Dozen’ on their own cause enough damage to the sewers without the added risk of planks of wood or mops. Not only do these items get stuck in the sewer, they prevent wastewater from flowing freely to the treatment works for process. This in turn results in the sewer backing up and spilling out.”

A new tanker and state of the art CCTV equipment has been purchased and a ‘dirty dozen’ team has been set up to tackle blockages caused by this notorious gang and the sidekicks they hire.

Gary continued, “The new team and equipment NI Water has invested in, at a cost of £250K enables us to respond quickly to reports of blockages in a timely and cost efficient manner.

“However, we will never win this battle on our own. We need the support of the public to work with us to dispose of these items in the bin rather than down the sewer. Together we can beat the ‘Dirty Dozen’ and keep our sewers running freely!”

You can view first hand the damage inappropriate items can do to a sewer by visiting http://www.youtube.com/user/northernirelandwater.

A leaflet detailing all the ‘Dirty Dozen’ gang can be found at www.niwater.com.

Short URL: https://newrytimes.com/?p=36717

Posted by on Nov 18 2013. Filed under Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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