Packed programme of events to help get your finances in order | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Packed programme of events to help get your finances in order

The Financial Capability Partnership NI led by the Consumer Council, is bringing a whole host of events to the Newry and Mourne area as part of Money Week 2013 including a unique opportunity for consumers to get involved with a question and answer session chaired by UTV’s Frank Mitchell.

Money Week is being held in the Newry and Mourne area from 9 – 15th November 2013 in conjunction with Newry and Mourne District Council.

Consumers will have the opportunity to attend over 20 free innovative and fun events, to help them get their finances in order.

Events being held throughout Money Week will include: A ‘Money Market on Saturday 9th November where members of the Financial Capability Partnership NI will be on hand to share information and resources to help consumers take control of their finances.

There will also be a questions and answer session with a panel of experts, chaired by UTV’s Frank Mitchell on Thursday 14th November and one to one information and advice sessions for consumers and frontline workers.

Julie McCurley, Head of Money Affairs at the Consumer Council explained, “Money Week is all about equipping consumers with the knowledge and skills to help them better manage their money.

“Members of the Financial Capability Partnership are offering a wide range of events to suit everyone and we would encourage consumers in the area to take advantage and come along.”

The Mayor of Newry and Mourne District Council Councillor Michael Ruane said, “I would encourage everyone to attend the wide range of events which have been organised as part of Money Week.

“These events will give consumers an insight into how to manage their money effectively, how to get the best value for their money and where to get advice if they get into financial difficulties.”

For the full list of events please visit the Consumer Council website, and download a copy of the brochure or request a copy by calling 0800 121 6022, facebook (The-Consumer-Council-Northern-Ireland) and twitter (ConsumerCouncil) for more information.

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