GAA and PSNI share skills at Support Seminar
The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) and Ulster Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) met recently to take part in a multi-team training and support seminar.

Pictured at the recent Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) and Ulster Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) multi-team training and support seminar are: (L-R) Supt William Dodds, PSNI, Dr Danny Murphy (Provincial Secretary and Designated Officer Ulster GAA) and Chief Supt Peter Farrar
The aim of the seminar was to develop working relationships between both organisations, improve skills and build expertise in the areas of health and safety, spectator behaviour, emergency planning, sporting legislation and supporting victims of crime. The training was delivered by Sport NI and PSNI personnel.
Representatives from the counties across Ulster and PSNI officers were presented with information on health and safety, licensing, inter-agency working, liaison with council, changes to legislation and banning orders. They all engaged in lively debate and discussion around each topic.
The participants also took part in an emergency planning exercise which enabled them to put their new found skills into practice.
Local PSNI Service Delivery Superintendent, William Dodds commented, “This was a very successful event which allowed us to share expertise and develop a partnership approach towards making sport safer for families, supporters and players.
“We want to engage with all sporting bodies and welcome the opportunities this seminar provides us with to develop relationships which strengthen ties, increase awareness and contribute to reducing crime and the fear of crime”.
Ulster GAA President, Martin McAviney stated, “As Ulster’s largest sporting organisation that caters for approximately 350,000 spectators on an annual basis in Provincial fixtures alone, it is important that we follow best practice in event management, planning, health and safety.
He added, “This joint event ensures that we can continue to share best practice in event management with all the statutory authorities across the GAA and I thank the PSNI, An Garda Síochána and all emergency services for their continued support and input into the management of our major events.”
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