Brady invites Saint Vincent de Paul to Stormont | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Brady invites Saint Vincent de Paul to Stormont

Newry Armagh Assembly Member Mickey Brady has met with the Regional President of Saint Vincent de Paul (SVdP), Aidan Crawford and the Society’s Social Justice spokesperson, Malachy McKernan to discuss the work of SVdP in the Newry Area.

Speaking after the meeting Brady said, “SVdP undertake commendable work in the reduction of poverty and in helping people to cope with the effects of living with poverty.

“Both Aidan Crawford and Malachy McKernan whom I met today are concerned with the effects the proposed Welfare Reform Bill will have on poor people.

“Sinn Féin recognise that the British Tory Welfare Reform legislation will affect those in the lowest income bracket hardest and I have invited Saint Vincent de Paul to make a presentation to the Assembly’s Social Development Committee after the summer break,” Brady revealed.

“As the largest poverty tackling charitable organisation in Ireland Saint Vincent de Paul is well placed to assist legislators like myself in making decisions which affect poor and marginalised people.

“In the north alone Saint Vincent de Paul volunteers visit 2,500 homes per week, greatly supplementing state provision. If Welfare Reform legislation is introduced the service would be inundated and extremely overstretched.

Brady added, “I look forward to hearing more about the work of the Society when they come to Stormont and to assisting them in whatever way I can.”

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Posted by on Aug 1 2013. Filed under Community, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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