‘Help protect our schools during the summer months’ – Newry PSNI | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

‘Help protect our schools during the summer months’ – Newry PSNI

As we approach the school holidays once again, police in E District are appealing for the whole community to support the ‘School Watch’ initiative and help protect local schools over the summer months.

Michelle Wilson, Crime Prevention Officer for E District, explained, “Attacks on schools generally range from broken windows and graffiti but on some occasions have been more serious including arson attacks and burglaries.

“It is frustrating to see how these mindless acts affect a school and in turn affect the whole community. No one wants to see teachers and pupils return to a school which has been vandalised over the summer holidays and I would urge members of the public to assist police in reducing this type of crime.

“The impact of criminal damage can have a detrimental effect on schools. Funding which could be spent on much needed school resources to provide a better education for children such as books and computers, has to be spent on repairing the damage instead.

“Money is also being constantly diverted from school projects to meet the expense of securing premises with window grills, alarm systems, security cameras, fences and other crime reduction devices,” Wilson continued.

“We would ask anyone who lives near to a school to be extra vigilant and report anyone acting suspiciously to their nearest police station. We would also urge parents to be aware of what their children are up to and where they are when they are not at home.”

Police would advise anyone who sees anything unusual or anyone acting suspiciously on school premises after hours or during holidays to telephone police on 0845 600 8000 or in an emergency, dial 999 and ask for the service you require.

Alternatively information about crime can be passed to the Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.

Short URL: https://newrytimes.com/?p=32062

Posted by on Jun 11 2013. Filed under Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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